Creativity for ADHD

The following is a list of resources on creativity and innovation for individuals with ADHD.

These resources include strategies, tools, and insights to help you embrace and improve your natural creativity.


  1. "The Creative Curve: How to Develop the Right Idea, at the Right Time" by Allen Gannett
  2. "Imagine It Forward: Courage, Creativity, and the Power of Change" by Beth Comstock
  3. "The Innovator's DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators" by Jeff Dyer, Hal Gregersen, and Clayton M. Christensen
  4. "inGenius: A Crash Course on Creativity" by Tina Seelig
  5. "The Accidental Creative: How to Be Brilliant at a Moment's Notice" by Todd Henry

Anxiety, Trauma, and PTSD

First of all, what is trauma?

Trauma is a frightening experience that's too overwhelming to process.

Trauma often happens in childhood. Uncovering and acknowledging the childhood experiences that induced trauma is often how we heal as adults.

Please note that we can't change the past. Trauma treatment is not about pretending the traumatic event didn't happen or imagining it happened differently.


Doing any trauma work could be triggering. It could lead to dissociation and intense feelings. It's best done with a licensed professional who could help you stay regulated and safe during the process.

But not processing trauma can also lead to triggering, dissociation, and more. And not everybody can access mental health services.

If you choose to continue reprocessing trauma on your own, here's what you can do to help ground yourself.


Reprocessing trauma will have time. Don't rush. Give yourself plenty of time and be gentle with yourself.

Before you start, perform some grounding exercises:

•  Do a grounding exercise, such as deep slow breathing. Tune into your surroundings, listen to the sounds in the room, pay attention to the lights and colors, notice the objects around you—what's their texture like, and sensations in your body—the weight of your body on the chair you're sitting on, the temperature of the air, how it feels on your skin, and so on.

•  Get physically comfortable. Find a comfortable place to sit. Make yourself a cut of hot cocoa. Turn on soft lighting and perhaps some soothing music.

•  Use paper to write, don't rush, give yourself time to process what you're writing.

The prompts

These prompts are adapted from Dr. Margaret Wehrenberg's 10 Best Treatments for Anxiety:

1.  What do you feel in your body?

2.  What is the earliest age you remember feeling these sensations?

3.  Can you create an image of yourself feeling these sensations?

4.  Who else might have been there?

5.  Is the current situation in any way similar?

6.  Are these old feelings accurate for the current sitaion?

Ready to harness your ADHD?

We offer coaching for founders and executives with ADHD.