Unleash your ADHD™ brain mascot

You’re an executive or founder with ADHD who’s ready to stop coping, struggling, and getting distracted by the stuff that doesn’t matter. 

Get ready to unleash your ADHD as a superpower and reach your full potential.


You're thinking:

Do my employees hate me? I keep forgetting things, don’t keep my promises, procrastinate to the last minute, and keep people waiting until they stop trusting me…

You’re tired of feeling like a failure.

You’ve tried a million different things and nothing works…you just can’t seem to get anything done.

Those moments of hyperfocused productivity feel like a high:

Your to-do list is no match for you. But then… you burnout and crash… your team can’t find you… it’s 2 steps forward and 5 steps back.

Feel proud of the team you’ve built.

Know that your team feels they can always count on your support.

Make a difference in the world and reach your full potential.

Unleash your ADHD

With Individual Coaching with George.


Turn distraction into curiosity

Impulsiveness to creativity

And hyperfocus to superhuman energy and focus

What's included:
  • 8, 60-minute sessions over Zoom or in person, at the Silicon Valley Capital Club in downtown San Jose, CA
  • Session recordings and transcripts
  • Unlimited support and accountability via Slack between sessions
  • 24/7 access to a supportive community of peers from all around the world
You’ll discover:

Your Core Values. Learn how what’s important to you guides the choices you make, the actions you take, and how you see the world.

Learn to trust your judgment and your decisions. And unlearn the unhelpful stories you tell yourself that wreck your self-esteem and make you feel like a fuck-up and a failure.

Understand why you do what you do (and why you don’t do what you want to do).

Learn strategies to get started, keep going and get it done.

$2,400 USD for 3 months

(or 3 monthly payments of $850 USD)

What my clients are saying

George helped me take my career to the next level despite struggling with ADHD and prioritizing effectively. Through our sessions, George understood the challenges specific to ADHD and provided both tangible and intangible tools to solve my problems. The intangible tools, such as gaining clarity on my core values, have had the biggest breakthroughs and value in my personal and professional growth.

Matt Brems

Principal Data Scientist | DataRobot

My work with George has been truly transformative for me as a leader in my organization, and for my own career trajectory in general. I have more confidence in my abilities, and more grounded self-awareness about how I work best and what I need to support my own growth. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to work with George!

Colette Alexander

Senior Director of Engineering | HashiCorp

George has been instrumental in helping me find my voice as an executive. I’d recommend him to anyone who feels they need a trusted advisor to help them navigate a leadership role.

Aaron Snyder

Co-founder & CTO | CorePilot

George is good at observing people and assessing what they may need to move forward without telling them directly what to do.

Jaimie Qaiyumi

Co-founder & CXO | Boatzilla, Inc.

I am truly grateful for the opportunity to work with you. I have learned a lot from you and gained a new perspective through your gentle but firm coaching and guidance

Shwetha Thammaiah

Engineering Leader | Uber

Matt Brems
Colette Alexander
Aaron Snyder
Jaimie Qaiyumi
Shwetha Thammaiah

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the introductory conversation?

Our introductory conversation will last approximately one hour.


In the first 30-40 minutes, we'll discuss your challenges, goals, and what you hope to achieve with my support. This portion of the call will also allow you to experience my coaching style and decide if there's a good fit between your needs and my approach.


If we both feel a strong mutual fit, in the last 20 minutes of the call, we'll talk about my coaching program, what's included, how the coaching works, and the associated costs.

Will there be any obligation to make a purchase after the introductory conversation?

Absolutely not.


The introductory call is designed to be a no-pressure, exploratory conversation about your challenges and goals and how my coaching can support you in achieving them.


If there seems to be a good fit at the end of the call, we'll discuss the next steps. However, you are not obliged to move forward with coaching after the call. I want you to make an informed decision based on your needs and goals without any pressure or expectations from my end.

How soon can I schedule my first session after signing up?

After you've been accepted into the program, your contract starts on the day I receive the first payment. You'll be able to schedule your first coaching session at that time.

Can I record my coaching sessions?

To help us stay 100% present during the call and not worry about taking detailed notes, I record and transcribe all our sessions with your consent.


You'll receive both the recording and the transcript after each session.

I hired a coach before, but I always seem to drop the ball before getting the results. How can I be sure this is not going to be the same?

Look, at the end of the day, you're the one who'll need to do the work. I can neither predict whether this time will be different for you nor guarantee your results for you.


What I can guarantee is my unconditional positive regard for you, regardless of how you might feel about your performance at any given moment.


I know that behavior could be incredibly difficult to change, especially if you have ADHD or any other form of neurodiversity that affects your executive function. I will use all of my training and experience to support you in the best way I know how.

Can I bring my business partner(s) or team member(s) to a session?

You're free to share the recordings and transcripts of our sessions with your partners, but our one-on-one sessions are strictly to support you.


If you'd like to discuss group coaching for your team, please email us at sales@sudarkoff.com

What if I have a vacation coming up, will I get a make-up session if I have to skip a week or two?

If you feel like you won't have enough time to dedicate to coaching, then perhaps it's not the right time. Just come back when you're ready to commit.


That being said, I know life can get busy—we'll work around whatever else might be happening in your life.

What's your refund policy?

The introductory conversation is free, and there’s no risk or obligation.


If you're accepted into this program, I offer a 100% money-back guarantee. If you're not happy with your first coaching week for any reason, just let me know, and I’ll refund your money in full.


Thereafter, you can cancel any time before the start of the next billing cycle. Cancellation becomes effective as of your next renewal date, and your services will continue until the end of your current subscription term.

How do I pay you?

I will share the payment link with you after you're accepted into the coaching program.


I accept all major credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, ACH direct debit, and other options via Stripe.com.


Q: I've tried coaching before. How is this different?

Our program is specifically designed for ADHD executives. We understand the unique challenges you face and provide tailored strategies that work with your brain, not against it.

Q: Will this take too much time away from my business?

Our program is designed to make you more effective in your business. Many members find they save hours each week by implementing our strategies.

Q: What if I can't make all the sessions?

We ask our members to plan to attend at least 10 sessions per year. That being said, we understand that life happens, and sometimes, even with careful planning, you'll be unable to attend the session. This is why we also offer a private online community where we check in and provide ongoing accountability between sessions.

Our guest expert presentations are recorded, and you'll have access to catch up at your convenience.

Q: Is this just for tech startups?

No, our program benefits ADHD leaders across various industries. We've worked with executives in tech, creative fields, finance, and more.

Q: Can I skip the Sample Day? I just want to sign up for the program.

Through experience, we've discovered that programs such as ours work best when members feel comfortable opening up and discussing their deepest dreams, fears, and desires with each other. Sample Day allows both you and our existing members to assess that.

Q: What if it doesn't work for me?

If you find this program no longer meets your needs, let us know, and we'll cancel your membership starting from the following month.

Do you identify as someone who belongs to a group underrepresented in leadership and cannot yet afford executive coaching? Apply for a scholarship here.